About us.
Established in 2011, Venerica Meats Inc. is a Meat Wholesaler dedicated to providing the highest Quality Fresh and Frozen meat to the Top restaurants in the GTA. We are Provincially Registered plant in Toronto, Ontario (Plant # 6483). Our team will ensure that quality standards are met, to give you the best experience.
We will pack and ship out all of venericameatsdelivery.com orders out of a Provincially Licensed Meat Processing facility that is completely temperature controlled to ensure the product always remain refrigerated. Our team at Venerica Meats will make sure that a certified Supervisor Food handler will monitor every level of the process and assure that every product is produced by adhering to all government protocols and regulation.
venericameatsdelivery.com is an exclusive, premium online store for fresh and frozen Meat dedicated to giving you the best!

Venerica Meats, delivers the highest quality meat right to your home or workplace. We only pack and ship the the freshest, highest quality products to our customer. Get Started now!
Luis Gordones

Jim Karahalios
General Manager